Military Lanyards

PriorService is proud to offer one of the largest selections of US Military lanyards on the Internet. Our selection includes lanyards for the US Army, US Coast Guard, US Navy, US Marine Corps, US Air Force, Veterans, Homeland Security and more. Our selection of US Army lanyards includes lanyards for the 101st Airborne Division, 82nd Airborne Division, 1st Infantry Division, 4th Infantry Division, 3rd Infantry Division, Army Rangers, Special Forces, Army ACU Pattern, Corps of Engineers and more. Our selection of US Navy lanyards includes lanyards for the US Navy Seals, Navy Seabees, Navy Mom and more. We also offer several Veteran lanyards including lanyards for veterans of the Vietnam War, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom and more. These lanyards are great gifts and can be used either with keys for plastic IDs.