PriorService is proud to offer a large selection of US Army Insignia. Our selection includes Officer and Enlisted Rank insignia, Officer and Enlisted badge pairs, Enlisted Cloth Rank Pairs, Full Size and Miniature Badges, Shoulder Boards and more. All of our Army Insignia are made to Army specifications and most are made by companies who provide to the US Army. PriorService offers a large selection of insignia currently used by the US Army as well as a large selection of insignia used during World War II and Korea.
PriorService offer a large selection of
Army Full Size Badges and Miniature Badges used by the US Army. This selection includes Army Aviatior badges and Army Aircrew Badges. PriorService also offer a selection of Army Combat Medic Badges as well as a selection of Army EOD Badges. We also carry the timeless and honorable
Combat Infantry Badge. PriorService offers the Army Marksman Badge, Sharpshooter Badge, and Expert Badge as well as a large selection of bars to mount with these badges. Another of our most popular badges is the
Army Parachute Badge as well as the Senior and Master Parachute Badges.
The US Army has recent upgraded to the Army Combat Uniform (ACU) and PriorService offer a selection of insignia specific to ACU uniforms. PriorService offers
Rank Insignia from Private to Colonel and including all 5 Warrant Officer grades. In addition we also offer the US Army ACU Tab. If there is an item you are having trouble finding, please call us at 877-241-8611 and we will do our best to help you find it.