Air Mobility Command

PriorSerivce is proud to offer a large selection of items for the Air Mobility Command. The command is headquartered at Scott Air Force Base near St. Louis Illinois. The Air Mobility Command’s major role is to provide global air mobility. It mainly does with by providing the main airlift for the US Air Force and the main air refueling for the US Air Force. This command was formed in 1992 and took over some of the duties of the deactivated Military Airlift Command and the Strategic Air Command. The majority of the aircraft in Air Mobility Command are aerial refueling aircraft and military transport aircraft. The KC-135 Stratotankers and the KC-10 Extender are the main refueling aircraft flown by the Air Mobility Command. The C-130 Hercules, C-5 Galaxy and C-17 Globemaster II are the main air transport flown by the Air Mobility Command. Our selection of items for the Air Mobility Command includes baseball caps, decals, patch, challenge coins, lapel pins and more.